Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh delivered an address to celebrate the completion of the biggest sewage development project in Hungary in Diósd on 6 March, 2014. Up to 130 thousand inhabitants in the Érd Region may have everyday benefits from the investment.

Not only reasons of economic awareness supported the enlargement and modernisation of the Érd-Diósd-Tárnok Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Minister underlined. It is an EU requirement and norm to reduce environmental burden, which couples with an increasingly environmentally aware lifestyle of Hungarian society. It is justified to claim that this attitude has on the whole been adopted by this country, Zsuzsa Németh pointed out.

DownloadPhoto: Ágnes Bartolf
The investment of Érd and Region Wastewater Disposal and Treatment Local Authority Association received EU funds worth HUF 25 billion. Before the investment, the rate of sewage disposal in Érd, Diósd and Tárnok was well under the national average even though the region, with a population of 79 thousand, is one of the most densely populated parts in Pest County.

According to the engineer planning calculations, the capacity of the constructed plant will be sufficient to safely meet the needs of up to 130,000 inhabitants in the next 15 years, which is the demographic prediction for the region for 2030.

(Ministry of National Development, Communications Department)