The Government has raised the total allocation for the programme supporting the comprehensive reconstruction of certain sections of 4-5 digit roads to HUF 109 billion. According to an estimation based on earlier cost data, the extra funds will finance the reconstruction of some 270 km by the public road management company, Minister of National Development Zsuzsa Németh announced in Szeged on 1 April, 2014.

With the extra expenditure, the total programme may finance the overall reconstruction of almost 1000 km of minor roads in 2013-2014. The list of the projects to be implemented is to be worked out in a proposal by Hungarian Public Road Non-profit Ltd. and finalised considering local demands surveyed by county public road commissioners. In addition to the positive experience from the developments implemented so far, another reason for raising the budget was the intention to fully exploit the EU funds available. Reconstruction work along the newly selected sections may start as early as this autumn and by the end of next year reconstruction is to be completed at all sites concerned.

There are two other road reconstruction programmes currently ongoing in Hungary, Zsuzsa Németh recalled. In order to improve international accessibility and traffic safety, reconstruction in a total value of HUF 49 billion is to be launched on 314 km of motorway and expressway sections in autumn 2014. Within the framework of a third programme, ruts and uneven road surfaces are to be eliminated from a budget of HUF 34 billion along more than 565 km. The reconstruction of the 1km section of Trunk Road No. 5 at Szeged was also financed from the latter budget. This investment of a value of HUF 454 m was made urgent by the fact that the avenue Kossuth Lajos sugárút had had considerable transit traffic before the completion of M43 and had therefore significantly deteriorated. The refurbished section of one of the busiest roads of the county seat was reopened for transport on 31 March, 2014.

From the increased total allocation, interventions resulting in permanent improvements in road conditions are to be implemented along almost 1900 km, within the framework of three programmes. Hungarian Public Road Non-profit Ltd. may spend over HUF 190 bn of domestic and EU funds on the improvement of the busiest sections in the worst conditions. Development worth over HUF 100 bn is to start or be completed this year already, the Minister added.

(Ministry of National Development, Hungarian Public Road Non-profit Ltd.)