The State Secretary opened the two-day conference on cyber security in the Ministry of Interior. State Secretary Felkai stated that the viability of a society is proven by the way it faces and reacts to the challenges. Cyber threats are not only challenges for Hungary but for the whole world as well. The State Secretary emphasized: exceptions cannot be made concerning this question; any illegal cyber activity has to be persecuted.

State Secretary for Parliamentary Affairs in the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Bence Rétvári was also present at the event. State Secretary Rétvári said: the state of information safety has to be surveyed and strategic points have to be protected since international cyber-offender groups have appeared in Hungary as well. The Government has taken serious measures in order to establish suitable legal circumstances: several paragraphs of the new criminal code will regulate cybercrimes.

Deputy State Secretary for Security Policy in Ministry of Foreign Affairs Péter Sztáray emphasized in his speech that Hungary treats cyber security seriously. The Deputy State Secretary mentioned that between 4-5 October another conference is going to be organized in Budapest, on the same topic, where Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, representatives of 70 countries, and prominent delegates of EU and NATO will participate.

(Ministry of Interior)