Minister for Human Resources Zoltán Balog inaugurated on Wednesday the new, 11 billion forint (EUR 35.7 million) wing of Borsod County Hospital in the northeast Hungarian city of Miskolc. The Minister said at the inauguration that the Government was aware of the county’s needs and was catering for them as best as possible.

He said the project was one of the region’s most important investments of the past few years, creating the country’s second largest hospital with 1,428 active and 543 chronic beds and which treats 80,000 inpatients every year.
He said that in addition to that, the Hospital also treats one million ambulatory patients every year, meaning a daily turnover of 2,700 patients served by a 3,500-strong staff.

The Minister said that with the new investment the entire region will have comprehensive coverage within the medical fields of neurosurgery, traumatology, oncology, radiotherapy and heart operations. He said the Hospital is also the regional centre for child healthcare and stem cell transplant and provides burn surgery for children from eastern Hungary.
He also said that in addition to the new wing, the refurbishment of the Hospital’s oncology clinic is also underway at a cost of 1.2 billion forints (EUR 3.9 million).

Mr. Balog said Hungary has one hundred hospitals and the investments of the past few years have elevated them to a 21st century level. He said that 90 of those hospitals are in state hands and 80 of them have received development funding.

(Ministry of Human Resources)